Announcement: The Archbishop of York

Here is our latest calendar of events running across the CLCGB.
If you have an event you want us to advertise please let us know by emailing
To download click this link: pdf Calendar of Events December 23 Edition (75 KB)
Craft Project for Members of St Crispins CL&CGB
The Object was to create a fence
The idea of this fence was taken from the internet and adapted for us as we have adopted a small piece of land on the church property and are putting our mark on it as our bee and bug garden.
Materials needed a few good quality pallets to dismantle
Some 3 x 2 lengths of timber (rails)
Paint and brushes
There was a fair bit of preparation needed before brigade activity i.e. dismantling pallets and cutting to appropriate lengths, we also assembled the rails to where the fence was going to be sited.
Although we didn’t, in hindsight we would advise to predrill the wooden top caps in correct places.
The centre part of the fence was made using two pieces of ¾ marine ply (scavenged)
The name was printed out a letter at a time by the computer and each letter was cut out and placed in appropriate place drawn around.
The next job was to use a jigsaw fitted with a scroll saw blade to very carefully cut out the letters.
This cutout was then fastened to the other piece of ply.
On Brigade night each member had one upright, one cap, one pot of paint, one predrilled plant pot, and appropriate screws
This concludes the actual fence build.
The next task was to paint the inner parts of the wording on sign so each member would use their pot of paint to carefully fill in the letters in the various colours. There was a little bit of work done by adult member i.e., fastening uprights to rails although this could be done by competent seniors and finishing the painting of the rails and/or back of fence.
Altogether a very satisfying project which for one showed the area that the Church Lads and Church Girls Brigade is active in that area to church members and passing public (depending where activity is taking place)
We are currently compiling the Roll of Remembrance for this year’s Remembrance Service to be held at the National Memorial Arboretum on 4th November. If you wish toadd any Brigade-related personnel to the roll then please advise NHQ with the relevant details (full name, date of death, Company/formation, next of kin name & address if known). Rest assured the latter will be treated with sensitivity. It will only be used to send them a personal invitation to the service as guests of the Brigade and the order of service.
Please note that names are accepted one year in retrospect to 1st September 2021.
We have licenses to provide each company its own email address with the domain To request an email address for your company please complete the request through Brigade Stores at and we will allocate you an email address.