Monthly Archive

June 2013

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 7 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.

Interfaith Weekend 2013

This year's Interfaith Weekend will take place on Friday 4th until Sunday 6th October 2013 in Chorley, Lancashire. The weekend is in partnership with our colleagues at the Jewish Lads' &am read more..

New phone system

On Friday 28th June NHQ has moved over to a new cheaper more effective telephone system.  The office number has not changed, however when calling NHQ you will hear a greeting followed by read more..

NE Camp Newsletter

The latest North East Camp Newsletter is now available to download.  In this edition Clare Davison tells us how many shoes a girl must take to camp, Mike Perry gives us an insight to the music at... read more..

Stock taking for Online stores

Brigade Headquarters are stock taking between 24th June 2013 and 5th July 2013 in preperation to move to Online Stores.  If you need uniform please submit your order as soon as possible.  We... read more..

Latest Manchester Regiment News online

The latest Manchester Regiment Roundup is now online.  To take a look visit the following link:  ... read more..

Game - Bible Charades

Bible Charades Charades is engaging and takes a bit of imagination to play. Old and young alike will enjoy Bible charades. Write the names of Bible characters on slips of paper and fold the papers. P... read more..

Game - Bible Target Game

Bible Target Play Bible Target by teams of two or more or by individuals competing against each other. Prepare a large flat piece of cardboard by cutting four or five holes about four inches in diame... read more..

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