CLCGB Prayer Newsletter - February 2018
Prayer Letter February 2018
"How great is the love that the Father has lavished upon us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are." 1 John 3:1
Prayer Points:
- We are very excited to be opening a new company on the Shankill Road in St Micheal's Parish this month. We are already aware that many of the children who will be attending are coming from difficult backgrounds, please pray that we would be able show them just how much Jesus loves them and that the love they receive through this group would have a lasting impact on their lives and sense of identity.
- We were delighted to hear the news that the Rev Paul Dundas, chaplain of Christ Church company has been appointed as Archdeacon of Dalriada. We pray that Paul would be blessed in this role and would also bring God's blessing to those he works with.
- Please remember Lyn Spence from St Hilda's company in your prayers. Lyn recently lost her brother Jim who had been a member of the Brigade from a young age and a leader for a few years. We pray that the family would know peace and comfort at this time.
- Please join with us in praying for Jean Seffen, Captain of Magherafelt company who has been unwell recently. We pray that she would be brought back to full health and strength soon.
- We pray for all of our JTC members who recieved AQE results recently, we pray that God would guide them in their decisions about schools and that they would be placed in the schools which will best suit them.
- Please pray for me as I continue to travel around the country giving school assemblies and visiting groups, that God would use me and speak through me.
Thank you for your continued prayers for the CLCGB Victoria Jackson If you have any prayer points which you would like to be included in next months prayer letter please email me at:
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