All Party Parliamentary Group on Youth Affairs
All Party Parliamentary Group on Youth Affairs
5.30pm – 7pm, Tuesday 11th February
Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House, House of Commons
The CLCGB have been offered a place to attend a session on young people’s skills and the transition from education into employment. We will discuss the Government’s position on apprenticeships and traineeships and their priorities for skills and further education provision for young people. We also hope to have a representative from the Opposition present to discuss the Labour Party’s approach to developing young people’s skills and training.
The APPG on Youth Affairs is an unusual group as it regularly hosts lively debates between Ministers, parliamentarians and young people. The group is supported by the British Youth Council, the National Council for Voluntary Youth Services, and the YMCA. Alongside a range of young people’s organisations, they draw upon their membership to promote the participation of those who are personally affected by youth issues and about which they have possible solutions.
There will not be a formal pre-meet for young people ahead of the session, but we will circulate information in advance of the session, in order to help young people prepare.
If you would like to attend and represent the CLCGB please contact Audrey as soon as possible on