120th Anniversary Details 2011
Calling all members past and present, of the Church Lads' and Church Girls Brigade, to come and join us to celebrate the 120th Anniversary (on 11/11/11) of the founding of the Church Lads Brigade, on St Martin of Tours Day, 11th November, 1891.
To celebrate, the Brigade is gathering on Sunday, 6th November 2011 to hold a Service at Manchester Cathedral. Why not come and join us? A Parade will be forming at 1.15pm, to march to Manchester Cathedral, where the Service will commence at 2.30pm. The Service will not just be of celebration and thanksgiving but will also look to the Brigade's coming years. The Brigade's Chaplain, Bishop Jack Nicholls will give the Address and the Lord Bishop of Manchester, Bishop Nigel McCulloch, will administer the Blessing.
Following the Service there will be a March Past and Salute. Brigade Companies and Formations, with their Bands and Colours, are invited to attend, as are Brigade Officers, Leaders, Helpers and Members, past and present.