Calendar of events 2019 - January edition
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To download this click on the following link: pdf Calendar of Events 2019 January edition (83 KB)
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The Church Lads' and Church Girls' Brigade (CLCGB), often referred to as 'The Brigade', is The Anglican Churches own uniformed youth organisation: welcoming children and young people of all faiths and none. This organisation has a lot of history and, for over 125 years, The Brigade has been fulfilling its object to extend the kingdom of Christ among lads and girls'.
Throughout the country young people and children are continuing to enjoy fun, faith, fellowship and, through The Brigade, are learning to be better equipped to cope with the demands that society places upon them. The Brigade creates a caring and safe environment in which friendships between young people and children and adults can be established and helps young people and children to grow in confidence, develop their skills and abilities enabling them to work together and show care and concern for others. We encourage young people and children to explore their spirituality and respond to the Christian faith, and to develop their moral values and a respect for the environment. More details on our aims and objectives can be found here.
The Brigade caters for many different age groups. These different age groups are known as 'Sections' and each has a different name. The Martins, named after St. Martin of Tours, is for children aged between 5 and 7 years. The Y Team is for children aged between 7 and 10 years and The JTC is for those aged between 10 and 13. From the age of 13 up until 21, members can join The Seniors.
Although The Brigade is a youth organisation, this does not excluded adults and those older than 21 from joining. Parents or volunteers wanting to become Leaders or Young leaders are always welcomed. We also have the Historical Group as well as National Band and National Choir.
Groups within The Brigade are known as 'Companies'. At least three (but no more than seven) Companies make up a 'Battalion' and multiple Battalions make up a 'Regiment'. Battalions and Regiments are associated with Dioceses. A Diocese is a geographical area over which a bishop has control. The Brigade is governed by The Brigade Council, who are responsible for the overall running of The Brigade. Members of The Brigade Council are often elected, although some are appointed. Staff of The Brigade National Headquarters are also members of The Brigade Council.
Firstly, why not see if there is a Brigade Company in your area? Click here to Find A Company Near You. If there is not a Company near you, and you are interested in setting one up, then please contact one of our Development Workers.