Brigade Council
The Brigade is a charity registered as a limited company. The governing body, which is drawn from within and without the Brigade, is the Brigade Council whose members are the trustees. It meets three times a year and is responsible for strategic planning, overseeing the Brigade's finances, appointing salaried staff and approving changes to the Brigade Rules. The Brigade Council is chaired by the Governor who is the de facto chair of the trustees.For more information on the Brigade's structure and organisation, please click on the following link: document Brigade Rules Revised 20 March 2012 .
Current members of the Brigade Council can be found below. Click on their names to find out more about them.
Position | Name |
Senior Team (Ex-Officio): |
Governor | Andrew Hayday |
Deputy Governor | Martyn Bedder |
Deputy Governor | Melvyn Lockhart |
Deputy Governor | Alan Carter |
Hon. Treasurer | John Smith |
Staff Chaplain | Father Chris Buckley |
Regimental COs (Ex-Officio): |
Durham | Derick Jackson |
Leicester | John Johnson |
Manchester | Stephen Whitelegg |
Ulster | John Williams |
National Safeguarding Officer | Stephen Manning |
Elected Members: |
North East | |
Elected Representative | Derick Jackson |
<25 Representative | Vacant |
North West | |
Elected Representative | Olivia Stewart |
Elected Representative | Janet Redding |
<25 Representative | Nathan Storm |
Midlands | |
Elected Representative | Suzanne Manning |
<25 Representative | Vacant |
Wales and South |
Elected Representative | Joan Couzens |
<25 Representative | Vacanct |
Ulster | |
Elected Representative | Thomas Ringland |
<25 Representative | Sarah Hewitt |
Co-Opted Members: |
Historical Group | Alan Stewart |
Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme | Richie Clarke |
Brigade Clergy Representative | Father Chris Buckley |
FTOG Representative | John Corbishley |
Young Person's Representative | Gareth Campbell |
National Band | Lionel Burdett |
The Staff and Finance Committee advises the Brigade Council. There are no other standing committees. The Staff and Finance Committee is again chaired by the Governor and consists of the "Senior Team (Ex-Officio)" and a further two nominated members from the Brigade Council (currently Gareth Campbell and Derick Jackson).