- easter

Christian Resource - Palm Prayer Points

Palm prayer points

WHY - to use our hands to remember the story and take it into our lives

Ask the children to raise their hands to show their palms. Ask: ‘What happens when
we put our palms together? It reminds us to pray.’ Say that you are going to remember what
happened on Palm Sunday and see what it reminds us to pray about. After each point, have
a time when the children could pray silently or aloud. You might like to use some of the hand
actions from ‘Bible story with actions and singing’.

Point 1

Jesus told his disciples to find a donkey. (Hand action: point with index finger.)
When Jesus tells us to do something, are we as ready as the disciples to do it? What kind
of things might Jesus tell us? Obey parents, not swear, etc. Use examples that your children
understand and ask the children for suggestions.
Pause for prayer.

Point 2

The disciples found the donkey and brought it to Jesus. (Hand action: thumbs up.)
We can pray for courage and bravery to do to the right thing. You know it’s good to be friendly,
is there someone you are ever unkind to? It would be brave to change the way you behave.
Jesus will help you if you ask him to.
Pause for prayer.

Point 3

Jesus sat on the donkey. (Hand action: lay one hand over the other to indicate the cloaks being laid on the donkey’s back.)
Everyone saw Jesus on the donkey, can people see our good actions, or do we hide them away.
Let’s stand up for Jesus and be seen to do the right things.
© Scripture Union

Craft - Easter egg-people

Easter egg-people

Why: To show we are happy because Jesus is alive.With: Card ovals (egg shapes) in different colours, wiggly eyes, stickers, wool, chenille wires, glue, glitterDuration: 5 minutesDescription: 1 Have any of the children had chocolate eggs for Easter? (You may be able to see the evidence without asking!) Talk about how we give Easter eggs at Easter and that makes us happy, but there is an even better reason to be happy. The best news about Easter is that Jesus is alive. 2 Let each of the children choose an egg shape and decorate it to make happy Easter-egg people. Give them wiggly eyes and a smiley mouth, and use fun things to give them hair (glitter, chenille wires, wool, and so on). 3 Why do the egg people look so happy? So that we can look at them and remember Jesus is alive. When the children take their egg people home, they will be able to tell their friends and families – so they can be happy too!

Themes: Cares, Jesus, Easter

Extra ideas

Luke 19:28-40 Luke 22:7–23

Make mini palm trees using kitchen roll tubes and green paper. Each palm tree could have four green leaves with part of Luke 19:38 on each one: ‘God bless the king/ who comes in the name of the Lord!/ Peace in heaven/ and glory to God!’

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