- helper

Volunteer Opportunities

Help us create fantastic opportunities for thousands of boys and girls

The CLCGB is the Church of England's Uniformed Youth Organisation. By volunteering with us, you can help us create fantastic opportunities for thousands of boys and girls across the UK and Northern Ireland. The CLCGB exists by it's volunteers – men and women like you who give their time to ensure that we are active all over the UK and Northern Ireland.

Everyone is welcome

The CLCGB welcomes volunteers of all backgrounds, ages, cultures, faiths and abilities. We are flexible and volunteering can be arranged to fit around a busy lifestyle. You can volunteer to help out with all of our sections in the CLCGB.

How many hours are expected of me?

Our incredible volunteers contribute around half a million hours to the CLCGB every year. Some give a couple of hours here and there – helping out with driving for trips and holidays, fundraising, running the tuck shop. Others give their time as Leaders, providing boys and girls with a space where they can be safe and secure and be themselves. Whatever your skills and interests, and no matter how much time you have to spare, one of our volunteering roles is bound to suit you.

Volunteering is rewarding

Volunteering in the CLCGB is rewarding, with helping children and young people in life skills, activities, fun, games etc. Many of our leaders have used volunteering within the CLCGB on their CV's to gain employment.

Our Support to You

Once you have applied, and found a company to be involved in, we can give you the skills to build your knowledge within the CLCGB and develop further as a leader.  From our new online elearning packages, to face to face sessions, along with coaching and mentoring from existing leaders.

To register your interest please click here to fill in the volunteering form.  


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